"i think it's dark and it looks like rain" you said "and the wind is blowing like it's the end of the world" you said "and it's so cold it's like the cold if you were dead" and then you smiled for a second.
Es tā domāju, ka pasaulsgala fīlīngs man no tā, ka vakaros lasu "Girlfriend in a coma" no Koplenda, un tur, kā jau ierasts minētam autoram, pasaules gals būs. Ja ne pl. astoņos vakarā, tad rīt.
"and the wind is blowing like it's the end of the
world" you said "and it's so cold it's like the
cold if you were dead" and then you smiled for
a second.
Re: aha
pasaules pats pēdējais gals mūsu sejās.