Mūzika: | Rama Dance - Narasinga |
I've changed as You all can see.
Nu jā, un vēl arvien nežēlīgi gribu šitamo nazi, kas man tagad jūzerbildē. Sen atpakaļ atradu jamo kādā online satanic shop'ā. Ehh, jāsakrāj tikai kaut kādi 50-60 USD (precīzi vairs neatceros, cik bija un tagad slinkums meklēt) un jāveic pasūtījums. Tagad vairs nav to iepriekšējo baiļu, kādēļ agrāk nepasūtīju - ka, tiklīdz saņemšu, sagraizīšu kādu. Ne gluži tāpēc, ka domu vairs tādu nav, bet tāpēc, ka don't care.
BĻA! Saitu ta atradu, tikai: "SatanicSupplies.com is temporarily closed. We are receiving too many orders to handle them in a proper and timely manner. Those who are awaiting orders will be receiving their orders, but we cannot except any new orders, at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We remain to be the number one place to order Satanic Ritual supplies. We cannot continue to offer products that our manufacturers cannot keep up with on orders. We are a distributor, not the manufacturer. We will return to normal operation, once we catch up. Thank you."