heryvim91 ([info]heryvim91) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-15 08:23:00

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First journal entry EVER
Well well, guess it's time to see how this live journal thing is. It's interesting how I put "getting kicked in the balls" as an interest, but it didn't end up on my interests list.... I wonder whether it's cuz it's too long a phrase or if it contains the word "balls". The world may never know....As any of my friends know, I'm a big wings fan. So, I got a bunch of people to go out to Cluck U last night and chow down. Me and my little brother got a bucket and shared it with my friend Tiffany, while other people did their own thing. I was supposed to bring home an order for my parents, but before I finished eating mine a bit of a fight broke out. Not between customers or anything, but between the frickin cooks. They were yelling at each other about something, I have no idea what or why, but they were goin at it. One of the guys was repeatedly saying something about "seeing your grandmother" and "SHEET!" in a thick Jamaican accent, it was quite humorous. I wasn't at a good vantage point but Tiff said she saw a couple punches landing, I did however seem them grappling with each other before they decided to go out the back door.Seeing as how it was just those 2 and one other employee who seemed a bit too scared to go behind the counter anytime soon, and my group wanted to get the fizzuck outta there, I decided my mother would understand if I didn't bring her wings home. Oh Cluck U, the surprises you bring.In other news, my DVD project with my fraternity is finally nearing an end. I started trying out printing the DVD labels out on those sticky sheets you buy at computer stores last night, and lemme tell you it's gonna look pretty awesome when it's all done. Only a couple more things to do and I'll be able to start sending these mothers out.

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