erzhan1996 ([info]erzhan1996) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-03 08:54:00

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Between today and tomorrow
Between today and tomorrow, I have three papers due. G-d help me.I had a terrifying dream last night. I usually don't remember them, but this one woke me up. All I can remember is that it was around twilight, and I was standing on the sidewalk across the street from the complex, holding my squirming cat. Someone was launching weapons at my apartment complex, and buildings were erupting in flames. My building was hit. Then it dawned on me: my books! I woke up, saw bookcases around me, and realized it was just a bad dream.I really ought to get renter's insurance - not that I'm afraid that someone is going to be launching rockets into my complex, but in case of fire or something.

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