Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the one who takes care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and Help me. Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile and see how much pain they may be in.
Varbūt šoreiz sanāks, kā parasti uzticos un noticu katru reizi, viss apnicis, apnicis rūpēties par citiem, apnicis, ka es esmu tā kurai jāuzklausa un jāizrāda interese, ja es mēģinu ko pateikt, tas ir tikai kā ievads, lai pārslēgtos uz otra stāstāmo. Viss apnicis, klusa, jauka, vēsa un pašpietiekama, ņjā, ja reiz man viss ir tik labi un siltumu nevajag, tad nafig lienat klāt, kapēc man vienmēr jāpalīdz? Ienīstu visu un visus. Apnicis justies nevērtīgai un,ka par katru unci uzmanības druskas man jānorēķinās pieckārtīgi.