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Mar. 10th, 2014 | 11:36 am

es slimoju um mana smadzeņu darbība nav up to 100%.
līdz ar to, ja kāds vēlas, laipni lūgts piešeipot tekstiņu.
tekstiņš būs nākamjam pietiekami briesmīgajam shēram feisbukā par tēmu krievijas uzbrauciens.
aptuvenā doma- viņu propoganda rullē ļoti, jo panāk savu. bet mēs noskātamies, ko citu darīt.
ievadu vēl neesmu izdomājsui, tāds te noteikti būs.

there are people which we meet on every day bases in our own country, who are certain about things going on here (in same country) which never happened...
just because TV told them so.
Yes, most watch for free TV channels in Latvia are imported ones from Russia. Just dont ask how that happened to take place.
pagaidām stils nekāds, tik sāku pierakstīt domu...

note to self: šito jāizlas pēc tam

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(no subject)

from: [info]pet
date: Mar. 10th, 2014 - 05:09 pm


Some of people in our country whom we meet every day believe things that never happened, just because TV told them so.

The most popular free-to-watch TV channels are the ones imported from Russia. Just don't ask how that came to be.
