C.P. ([info]centuriespast) rakstīja,
@ 2013-12-25 19:54:00

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tamahi: here are my top 20 blogs of 2013! please don’t be...


here are my top 20 blogs of 2013! please don’t be upset if you’re not on the list. i absolutely adore all of the blogs that i follow. i would like to thank all of my followers for making it an awesome year as well! i also didn’t include the people i know irl. <3 happy new year!! 

my favorite blogs of 2013; | adisneyfairytaleamecanon beautifuloldthingsberwaldvainamoinencenturiespastcharlottelabouff cihnafashionfromhistoryhanatamagotchihave-perspectivejeannepompadourkurwahmusicroomnumberthreethe-host-cluboessarococo-rosesrosebearie swedens-wifetaiwansflowers | vintagedisneyparks

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