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@ 2013-06-09 05:01:00

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NW2 by Neue Werkstatt

leibal nw2 werkstatt 1 NW2 by Neue Werkstatt

leibal nw2 werkstatt 2 NW2 by Neue Werkstatt

leibal nw2 werkstatt 3 NW2 by Neue Werkstatt

NW2 is a minimalist design created by German-based designer Neue Werkstatt. The NW2 is a simple, puristic bed. It is produced in a local carpentry in hand. For the frame local timber is used. This is solventless stained with color pigments and protected with natural wax. The simple plug-in connection of frame and legs stabilized the entire bed perfectly and allows assambly without tools.

See more minimalist designs at Leibal

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