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@ 2013-06-06 22:17:00

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Greg Manis Photography

greg manis 7 Greg Manis Photography

Raised on loud bikes, fast cars and loose women, Greg Manis‘ photos tell the tale of his North Georgia upbringing in a raw, yet romantic fashion. His photography contains all the typical facets of western culture. It’s all about “Sex, drugs and Rock&Roll”. After graduating from Savannah College of Art & Design, he moved to NYC to assist some of the top photographers in the art and commercial world. Now making a name on his own, Greg has had his work published in books, various magazines and shown in galleries around the world. He is currently working on a book titled “Hardbodies & Hotrods”. But all in all his work is still very aesthetic.

See more of his photography on WhiteLies Magazine (

greg manis 6 Greg Manis Photography

greg manis 6 Greg Manis Photography

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