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@ 2013-05-30 13:59:00

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How It Works: NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover

614bb s m01 574110ma How It Works: NASAs Curiosity Mars Rover

The largest in human history this week, the rover successfully landed on Mars. Reactive landing platform Sky Crane, hanged over the surface of the Red Planet, gradually lowered rover “Curiosity” wheels down on the nylon rope in the final destination – Gale Crater, where are deep layers the Martian soil, revealing the planet’s geological history.

1cb63 s m09 PIA13809 How It Works: NASAs Curiosity Mars Rover

1cb63 s m10 PIA14131 How It Works: NASAs Curiosity Mars Rover

1cb63 s m11 04047372 How It Works: NASAs Curiosity Mars Rover


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