luleka_ru ([info]luleka_ru) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-19 21:50:00

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JUST when I thought I was done...
I've been thinking that I was done breastfeeding. It had been about a week and although one or the other of them asked twice, it was at the most possible inappropriate times that it wouldn't have happened even if we were still actively breastfeeding. for a few months we were down to 1-2 times a day. And then I just stopped allowing it at any time other than first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. When they didn't ask... they didn't get. And it has slowly tapered off to nothing. But this morning, I got them out of their cribs and we trotted to the living room same as normal... but the first thing that Rhianne wanted was "nurse." So of course Solana chimed in with the same request.Honesly, I was feeling a little sad that I didn't get to "savor" that last time because I didn't really know it was going to be the last. It wasn't though.... so I got to savor this time. How odd it feels to hope both that it is and it isn't over at the same time. But honestly, it's been almost 5.5 years straight, 9 months of that was serving 3 and 2.5 years was serving 2.... so I think it actually adds up to about 8 years! I think I'm ready to resume control of my breasts now. K?

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