so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2007-11-04 20:05:00

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Blizzard - teh overlord
You know your addicted to WoW when your girlfriends pants have a low drop rate!

Q: A tauren is standing in a river, surrounded by 20 Gnome Mages that specialise in Frost Magic. How will he get out?
A: Wet and cold.

What did the undead guy say to the hooker?
"keep the tip"

A tauren and a gnome were taking a dump in the woods. The tauren glanced at the gnome, and, overcome with curiosity, had to ask:
"Your beard goes down to your feet. Is doing this stuff in the woods ever a problem for you? Don't you ever get **** stuck to your beard?"
"nope. Never happened to me before" answered the gnome.
So the Tauren picked up the gnome and wiped his ass with him.

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