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@ 2005-10-12 10:38:00

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Mūzika:japanese neo trad (moyan)
Entry tags:ad, photo, placebo

NADAV KANDER+once more with feeling..
Netīšām uzskrēju virsū fotogrāfa Nadav Kander mājaslapai ..
izrādās ka tās ir viņa bildes, kas izmantotas Placebo "Once more with Feeling: Singles 1996 - 2004" CD un DVD noformējumā..

Un vispār viņam ir ļoti labas bildes..

Nadav Kander was born in Israel in 1961, grew up in South Africa and now resides in London. He has established a respected reputation as both a commercial photographer (advertising, fashion) and as an art photographer. The body of work on display here demonstrates why. This is a remarkably diverse collection of photographs, as varied in genres (portraits, still lifes, landscapes) as in subject matter (prostitutes, movie stars, cityscapes, desertscapes).

Jaunākie viņa darbi ABSOLUT METROPOLIS

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