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Quid Vides?

Posted on 2010.09.18 at 15:38
Doom: \\
Mūza: Unto Ashes
Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Dzīve Krievijas provincēs (c) Emil Gataullin (visvairāk patīk šūpoles)

+ Dziesma, kura man nekad neapnīk:

Unto Ashes - Quid Vides? (ex Moon Oppose Moon, 1999)

Quid vides?
Nihil video (sum caecus)
Corpus meum in mare trahebant
Tempus fugit; horea fugiunt (ex hac terra)
Spes nostrae tolluntur

Quid vos terret?
Tangi; reminiscor
Mihi nihil dedi
Amorem numquam timebam
Dum corpus meum in mare trahebatur
"What do you see?"
I see nothing (I'm blind)
My body was dragged into the sea
Time flies; the hours flee (from this world)
Our hopes are being destroyed

"What terrifies you?"
To be touched; to remember
I gave nothing to myself
I never used to fear love
Until my body was being dragged into the sea

(^ kopš pie [info]punkts noskatījos, ka tas ir iespējams, šo triku arī vienmēr gribējies izmēģināt, hehe)


[info]methodrone at 2010-09-18 16:46 (Tipa)
ak dievs, es miilu sho bildi!
[info]nefolk at 2010-09-18 17:05 (Tipa)
[info]kants at 2010-09-18 16:55 (Tipa)
jaunais moon lay hidden?
[info]nefolk at 2010-09-18 17:06 (Tipa)
nu nez, 11 gadus vecs un vismaz man nemaz neatgādina moon lay hidden
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