erzhan1996 ([info]erzhan1996) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-19 21:22:00

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50s Reading
I've been doing course reading on the 50s half the evening, and there was a comment about T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound (regarding reading preferences of the decade) that got me thinking I ought to see about getting a hardcover copy of Pound's Cantos. I checked out, and then I remembered that I promised myself I'd buy no more new books in July (I'm still waiting for some books from the end of June to arrive). I promptly cancelled my order. I feel a little better now for having exercised a little will.I recently remembered that tomorrow I have to hand in a paragraph or two on my proposed paper topic. I thought about it some and decided I want to do one on Gwendolyn Brooks or Sylvia Plath and the other on Philip K. Dick. Unlike Brooks and Plath, Dick isn't on the syllabus in any form (which I find rather shocking), so I would have to have a Dick topic pre-approved, which shouldn't be a problem. Dick has so much of substance to say about conformist mindsets, gender roles, and the Cold War. After reading Dick, you'll never look at the 50s in the same way. Anyway, I should probably do Dick (that doesn't sound quite right, eh?) for the first paper and Plath and/or Brooks for the second since I've been doing so much Cold War era/McCarthy non-fiction reading lately. The first paper is due in 10 days - the second in 3 weeks.I have a lot highlighted in the non-fiction anthology I'm currently reading. I'll share later. The bed is calling my name. *yawn*

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