so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2007-03-27 00:46:00

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Done: Rockers[imdb]

Memorable quotes:

Horsemouth: Give thanks, Higher.
Higher: I-wah.
Horsemouth: True Rasta.
Higher: How the-I feeling now?
Horsemouth: I-man feel I-ney now.
Higher: You must feel upful some more. You will feel more upful within time. The man is advancing - him just survive.
Horsemouth: True, true.
Higher: I-rey. Within a time I and I can get a bath.
Horsemouth: I like the-I to cook up some Ital, Rasta.
Higher: The Ital scene is coverage. One need the Ital in ever'ting to survive. The Ital don't stop. So I and I forward within this time.

Piezīme - "forward" te izrunā kā [fa:wo:d]. Un titri palīdz.

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