hearttobullets ([info]hearttobullets) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-17 15:34:00

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Ah, life.
Life is good.Peter came back up from Tennesee on Thursday. Clean shaven!He got me Dragnet 1967 DVDs. Friday there was some running around, and Saturday he met the rest of my family. Sunday we went to the city to see Spamalot and had reservations at Madras Mahal. The show was hilarious (all Jew jokes, how can you go wrong?) and dinner was great, (Kosher, Vegetarian Indian cuisine?) We were out of the city by 7:30 (good riddance) and went to his Gramma's house in CT. We didn't make it to midnite (about 11:20 and we hit the hay) then had lunch with Gram, Mom, and Booli and I came home.Now I'm home, recording, and congested. =PI can't believe he got rid of the mousatche. I've got the at-home-can't-go-anywhere-on-my-own jitters. Kinda makes me want to have a car.

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