Yookoso! JLPT1 Kanji ([info]_jp) rakstīja,
@ 2013-12-31 12:45:00

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嵩 -

Grade Level: 9
JLPT Level: 1

Bushu (Radical) Info:
山 (やま)

Stroke Order Diagram (SOD): 13 Strokes

Click the image above to re-display this Kanji
On-Yomi Reading(s):
Kun-Yomi Reading(s):
English Meaning(s):
be aggravated
grow worse
grow bulky

Popular words and/or phrases using this kanji:
Click any individual kanji to view it in a new window. Click the [K] after each definition to look up that character at WWWJDIC; Click the [D] to look up that word in WWWJDIC (the definition is the same but other features exist, like sample usage, variations of the word, etc.)
The sofware code used to make this page uses the EDICT and KANJIDIC files. These files are the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group at Monash University, and are used in conformance with the Group\'s licence.

The SOD image used on this page is from the New Japanese-English Character Dictionary and the Kodansha Kanji Learners Dictionary (see http://www.kanji.org), and is used with the kind permission of Mr. Jack Halpern. This image must not be copied or used elsewhere without Mr Halpern\'s permission. Use of this image without permission is a violation of copyright laws.

The Henshall Mnemonics are the copyright of Tuttle Publishing and are the result of the hard work by Professor Henshall. See the list I used here.

If you are curious about the lexicography shown in the word definitions, visit http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/edict_doc.html#IREF05

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