Dementia ([info]dementia) rakstīja,
@ 2003-03-11 21:22:00

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Mūzika:cat power- good woman

I watch you from a distance.
You’re never mine, you’re never near.

I smell the air...
blessed by your hair.
When you pass me
I slowly count...
one, two, three-
my senses blunt.
It cannot be.
I shut my eyes,
so they don’t see.
Whatever yours
are telling me.

You’re everywhere
and everything around you
The street is empty.
There is no street...
I walk and walk
Now we should meet
and there’s no way
that I’ll retreat.

I open my ears
to your voice -
it climbs into my head,
finds a little shed
and brands into my brain.

Air... air again.
Air is sweet
and fresh to me-
like a peppermint candy.
Sweet and fresh...

I shouldn’t touch you,
I shouldn’t taste you.
And once again- you are like air.
You are a coke:
I drink, I choke.
You’re sweet and fresh,
but you’re a mesh.

To be or not to be
is not an issue for me,
if you exist
I will be free.

Four, five, six...
More! Sore, more!
On the floor.
Like a whore...

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2003-03-12 17:35 (saite)
nevar buut, ka tava...

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-03-13 03:17 (saite)
mana mana :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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