rubberwolfboy ([info]rubberwolfboy) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-07 01:57:00

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ugh. i disdain school right now. it gets in the way of many of VERY IMPORTANT things like skiing and rock climbing and kayaking and dancing and piano and...i don't know. i just don't like school anymore. so it's a good thing it's almost over. maybe by the beginning of next year i'll be able to handle about the first 3 months of school alright, but then i know i'll be sick of it again. i want to go to college. now please. thanks.last night was awesome i'm so glad i didn't go to golden rose. i went to the davis' and dwight's sister, brenda, and her boyfriend were there. his name is francisco and he's from the dominican republic and i got to speak spanish and learn to dance with him. i love speaking spanish...i don't know why. i'd much rather speak spanish than english...and whoever i marry better speak it to or i'm gonna make them learn lol. it's kind of funny though cause brenda doesn't speak like any spanish and fracisco doesn't speak english well lol and when they met he spoke it worse than he does now so yeah don't know how that worked out. so i was really sad i had to leave cause they were gonna do salsa next which i wanted to learn but i'd already registered to go kayaking and the class was full but they put me in anyways so i didn't want to just blow them off. so i made my way over to juanita...sort of changing while driving there cause i was almost late haha. but kayaking was amazing and i learned how to do an eskimo roll which is how you upright yourself in the kayak if you tip over. so i'm super into that right now and i'm sad cause last night was their last open pool but i'm probably gonna go to a different place in seattle on moday night and practice so i don't forget it! wee!i haven't played the piano in so long and i did today and it was nice. i should really keep playing. hmph.i don't know what i'm going to do with such a long weekend. i'm so happy i didn't go to golden rose. i don't know what to say about ski racing. i still love it but i know i'm not going anywhere with it so i almost feel like quitting now. but then i watch races on tv and i can feel what the racers are feeling and it's exhilarating and i love it. it's satori. mmk nvm me i'm kind of obsessed with buddhism right now.i don't know how i feel about yearbook. it's kind of a mess right now and it's going to take a lot of work to clean up. let's just hope people start wanting to join the after-school class or we're pretty much screwed. 5 people should not make a yearbook. WAY too much work that i'm not willing to put in. i like yearbook...but i'm not passionate about it or anything. it's kind of a lame thing to be passionate about if you ask me. and no one on my staff is. so that's cool...yeah.

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