patrickf_q ([info]patrickf_q) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-07 05:57:00

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Edgar retiring is nothing more than a marketing stunt
Roughly 30 games under .500, the laughing stock of the league, and losing money with every passing game. What better way to salvage the Mariners season? Have Edgar announcement his retirement a couple months prior to season's end! Coincidence the first game after he makes the announcement is the Edgar Teddy Bear promotion? Edgar is not a man in it for the fanfare, not one to try and steal the spotlight, so why annouce his coming retirement now?It is a great marketing stunt and everyone and their mom and grandma will go to Safeco now, filling otherwise undesirable seats wanting to see Edgar in at least one of his last 20 some odd home games. Hats off to whomever negotiated the deal with Edgar to announce his retirement now, he should get promoted, and take as big of a slice of the increase in profits as Edgar will. Even when/if people see right through the ploy, they will still go the games and give the Mariners more money to lose.Sell-out? Business man? One in the same? You decide.

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