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@ 2013-06-09 15:56:00

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Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut

Caras Ionut 650x650 Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut

Born in February of the late 70s, Caras Ionut seemed to have taken passion in cooler weather as his inspirations for photography in his life as a romanian artist; so much of his work shows depictions of fall and winter and his mechanics entail several hues of blues and whites. via Photography Blogs.

Caras Ionut3 650x650 Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut

Caras Ionut5 650x650 Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut
Caras Ionut7 650x650 Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut
Caras Ionut9 650x650 Photo Manipulations by Caras Ionut

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