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@ 2013-06-03 07:56:00

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’404 Not found’ vs. ‘Space Invaders’ by Mass:Werk

Norbert Landsteiner (Mass: Werk), popular on the Internet with its visions of Google in the 80s or Mad-Men style GoogleSearch propose this playable recreation of the famous game “Space Invaders”, which appears in place of the 404 (and other status codes) when you access a non-existent page. Use cursor keys or A, S to move, space to fire

Mass. Werk. Known Status Codes. DO.png 650x542 404 Not found vs. Space Invaders by Mass:Werk

Mass. Werk. Known Status Codes. DO.png 009 650x542 404 Not found vs. Space Invaders by Mass:Werk

Captura de pantalla 2013 06 03 a las 09.44.01.png 650x487 404 Not found vs. Space Invaders by Mass:Werk

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