Dementia ([info]dementia) rakstīja,
@ 2003-07-25 08:21:00

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Hopelessness is groping us and most just cuss it’s choking us and so mistrust does grow in us it’s holding us and molding us and so we must show consciousness flowing up while still showing finesse and hoping kids will go with this and that our showmanship is owning up and our leadership is growing up not folding up and molding us and so we thrust an open fist so as to still accept this gift as the last gold dust from the last gold rush but fight this s--t and stay as bold as love... as bold as love I give my shoulders a shrug while they deliver cold hugs. I wish not to be the reciever of these old drugs or the giver of this bug, No my liver couldn’t filter your poisons and I’m sitting here wondering when will all of this noise end...

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