manisaucigors ([info]manisaucigors) rakstīja,
@ 2013-01-14 22:44:00

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Our Earth is having a lucid dream,
It rounds and rounds, and rounds,
And gives a way for our greatest moments
To be made here.
The lives of us were hidden
In a private universe beneath ourselves.
It's a question we never ask
And the answer we've never invented.
Who is here to set a great leap for mankind,
Yet small step for a man?
Set a course to the shiny dots above
Let skyscrapers be our guide
To show the direction of never-ending light.
The greats have dreamed not
Of the future to be set.
It's our greatest glory
And art that needs not to be sorry
To let us paint brighter dots above
In our bonnet loved one
And slip into the realms
Of our private universe
With a pale blue dot
Being within a reach
Of a single hand.

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