tumsone ([info]tumsiigaa) rakstīja [info]vel_viens_tests kopienā,
@ 2005-12-06 13:40:00

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nejaušās bildītes ar uzrakstiem, raksti kādu vārdu gribi

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vieksmīgi patrāpījās bildīte ar pirmo reizi

You will to trick-or-treating with:

On a boat in shark infested waters
What will happen?
You will accidentally stab your friend with what you thought was a plastic knife
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pirmais F5 - Japāna, otrais F5... oui! šis man patīk :]

You will take over Latvia using only incredible charisma

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Tumsiigaa's Random Movie Quote:

'It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself.'

- Lester Burnham, American Beauty

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Name tag for tumsiigaa from QuizGalaxy.com

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You'll become a millionaire on:
Saturday May 28th, 2013
What's the first thing that you'll buy?
Killer bees
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You will go to jail for:
You were mistaken for a prostitute who was wanted for arson

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Your arch-nemesis is:

Because you stole their underwear
The winner will be...
You will kill each other in a duel
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What does your future hold?

You will get rich quick by mastering a yet-to-be-invented pseudo-sport

eerie crystal ball!
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Your darkest secret is:
You have gotten so drunk that you forgot your sexual orientation

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Tumsīgā's Reason for Travelling Back in Time:

To see what really killed off the dinosaurs

Time Machine!

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