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invite [Nov. 1st, 2012|10:58 pm]
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Joprojām ilgojos pēc demonoida, bet tikmēr priecātos saņemt ielūgumu uz IPT (vai analogu). Tādi tiešām mēdz būt lieki, so, pls!

ipeklofijs gāmeilā
linkpiedāvāt variantu

[User Picture]
Date:November 1st, 2012 - 11:43 pm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IPT may refer to:
Illini Prosthetic Technologies, a prosthetics organization based in Illinois
Incendiary paint theory, a theory of the Hindenburg disaster
Indian People's Tribunal, a human rights organization
Industry and Parliament Trust, a charity that promotes the mutual understanding of Parliament and business
Information Processes and Technology, a Higher School Certificate (HSC) course in information systems
Institutt for Petroleumsteknologi og anvendt Geofysikk: Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU
Institute for Professionals in Taxation, a U.S. based professional organization for tax industries
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas, a Brazilian research facility, which created the CAP-1 Planalto aircraft
Insulin potentiation therapy
Insurance Premium Tax (UK), a tax paid on insurance premiums in the UK
Integrated product team
Integrated Procurement Technologies, an aerospace distribution company
Intermittent preventive therapy
International Pool Tour
Interpersonal psychotherapy
Inventor Part file of Autodesk Inventor
Investigative Project on Terrorism, directed by journalist Steven Emerson
IP telephony or voice over Internet Protocol
Inverted Page Table, a type of page table in a computer operating system
iPod Touch
Iron Pipe Thread, see also MIPT, FIPT - Gender_of_connectors_and_fasteners#Plumbing_connectors & NPT - National pipe thread
IPtronics, a fabless semiconductor company selling parallel optics for data communication applications
MATLAB's standard Image Processing Toolbox
Williamsport Regional Airport

Par kuru no šiem ir runa? Ja ar to ir domāts InPeril, tad man tur rādās "Nav ielūgumu". Nav ne jausmas, vai man tā ir vienīgajam.
Date:November 1st, 2012 - 11:47 pm
Tiem, kas nezina, nav jāzina.
Tie, kas var palīdzēt, sapratīs uzreiz.
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Date:November 2nd, 2012 - 12:11 am
Ļoti labi.
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Date:November 2nd, 2012 - 10:49 am
ja kādam būs vēl kāds ielūgums pieejams, būšu ļoti pateicīgs
vitalijsl et gmail