arrianda ([info]arrianda) rakstīja [info]unsend kopienā,
@ 2007-07-23 10:49:00

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2 weeks already. So much temptations to call you, to write mails. But, no...i can not. I promised to give you a freedom to choose. I can force you to come back by convincing, but i will not do like this. I want you to come back, because you wish so, not because i wish.
Sometimes through these days i am losing my faith about, will you come back or not. Maybe you have arranged marriage with some girl and now you are trying to forget me in her arms.
These thoughts just kill me. Maybe i should think like that and maybe i should forget every and each day, every sweetness. Maybe i should forget, how your voice could calm me. Maybe i should forget all romance, what was between us. Maybe i should erase all my memories about you. Maybe you wish so.
I feel damnly misserable now. I can live without you, but thing is - i don't want. Maybe my decission is wrong about you, maybe you are not person for my life. I wanted to be with you forever, to share everything - happiness and sadness, really i wanted to be the best for you. But...
I just wanted to tell you, that i miss you a lot and as i said before, even if you will leave, i still will love you.

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