arrianda ([info]arrianda) rakstīja [info]unsend kopienā,
@ 2007-07-19 09:08:00

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Is it easy for you forget everything? For me - not - I can't forget talkings, smiles, laughs, hugs, kisses, fights. Everything is so alive in my memories about you. Please, if you don't want to keep me, don't want to be with me, please, let me go. Say, that your love has never been, that all our relations were just some good entertainment for free of work time. Yes, i let myself to fall in love with you. Yes, i did it purposely - i decided to give my heart, my soul, my trust to you. Am not blaming nobody - not you, not me. I am happy, that you opened cage, where i was keeping my heart for a years, not allowing nobody touch it. I am happy, that you made me free - free to decide, free to look at world with wide open eyes of innocent child. You are making me suffer now by silencing, but i am not angry, I can not hate you or anything like that. You said, that we are made for eachothers and we are as one. So i still think like that. Maybe it is foolish from my side, but i can not even think about other man in my life. We marry because of love here in Latvia, not just because of being married.
Please, if you don't love me anymore, tell me. Anyway, my heart hurts.

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