arrianda ([info]arrianda) rakstīja [info]unsend kopienā,
@ 2007-07-04 16:59:00

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I don't know, what to say, but still i want to say something to you. I don't know, your reasons of silencing and leaving. Unfortunately, you don't want even to explain me this situation. I don't know also, should i wait for that.
In case, if you would like to talk with me, when you will understand, that you need me, i think, way back to my heart with each day will be more difficult for you and maybe will be not at all anymore.
In these days i am going through hell. Your leaving is shocking for me and i feel, that it is unfair to leave like this - without any warning, reason.
I could understand, if you would like to leave me for being free, but - you said - "forever, am yours, i love you, fairy..." - these words you have said even one day before leaving...
I can not hate you. Call me - "stupid" - i can not hate you...

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