arrianda ([info]arrianda) rakstīja [info]unsend kopienā,
@ 2007-06-30 18:29:00

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Mūzika:Desree - Kissing you, Simply Red - Fake i called you just to be sure, that your phone is answering...yes, it made calls, unfortunately or fortunately for me...
...let me tell you, that today i erased you from my msn contacts and in same time i blocked you, this - just in case, if you would like to talk with me..., but i know, that you will not...
...this is eighth day without you - if your feelings to me would be true, you would find way, how to let me know, that you will be not here and that you will not send mails, because it will be impossible (or any other reason)...
...i don't understand your behaving - maybe i said something wrong in our last conversation...i can't see that by reading msg history - conversation as always - loving words from you, loving words from me...i don't understand your reasons of silencing, but i will not call you to ask...i will not write mails...i will be not for you at all...
...if you think, that i forgot you, because i am not writing, - this is not true... - my love still is with you and my heart belongs to you...i just can not understand, how your, so called, love can turn into silence... heart now is full of pain, i want to cry, but i don't dare...i don't want others to face my pain...
...i am writing here, because i can't and i don't want to write you about my feelings - it would be under my pride...
...yest i was listening songs, which we were listening together...difficult now for me, but - don't worry, i ... will be ok - this is not first time for me to lose feeling of being beloved...
...i miss you - this means nothing for you anymore, but for me - feelings to you still means a lot, because i don't deny, that your presence and being with me left prints in my soul...huge ones...
...i am suffering, but am happy in same time, because i felt loved, i loved and i still love...

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