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Jan. 27., 2015 | 11:02 am
posted by: toadbeauty in pajautaa
Čau, dārgie cīņu biedri!
Vai kādam ir sanākusi darīšana ar šito?
http://m.db.lv/tehnologijas/programmatu ra/izplatas-bistams-datorviruss-ctb-lock er-mudina-nemaksat-krapniekiem-426269
Un kā būtu pareizāk rīkoties?
Mums viens upuris.
Hā! Uzvecu ļaunos!
Biju uzlikusi datoram system restore.
Sākumā gan zaudētie failu nerādijās, bet ar Shadow explorer atdabūju!
Vai kādam ir sanākusi darīšana ar šito?
Un kā būtu pareizāk rīkoties?
Mums viens upuris.
Hā! Uzvecu ļaunos!
Biju uzlikusi datoram system restore.
Sākumā gan zaudētie failu nerādijās, bet ar Shadow explorer atdabūju!
date: Jan. 27., 2015 - 01:11 pm
How to restore files encrypted by CTB Locker
If your files have become encrypted and you are not going to pay the ransom then there are a few methods you can try to restore your files.
Method 1: Backups
The first and best method is to restore your data from a recent backup. If you have been performing backups, then you should use your backups to restore your data.
Method 2: File Recovery Software
It appears that when CTB Locker encrypts a file it first makes a copy of it, encrypts the copy, and then deletes the original. Due to this you can may be able to use a file recovery software such as R-Studio or Photorec to recover some of your original files. It is important to note that the more you use your computer after the files are encrypted the more difficult it will be for file recovery programs to recover the deleted un-encrypted files.
Method 3: Shadow Volume Copies
As a last resort, you can try to restore your files via Shadow Volume Copies. Unfortunately, this infection will attempt to delete any Shadow Volume Copies on your computer, but sometimes it fails to do so and you can use them to restore your files. For more information on how to restore your files via Shadow Volume Copies, please see the link below:
Mūsu gadījumā 1 un 3 atkrīt. Tagad skanēju hdd ar R-Studio cerībā, ka vismaz daļa info tiks atgūta.
Atbildēt | Diskusija
date: Jan. 27., 2015 - 04:48 pm
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