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Jan. 9., 2015 | 03:15 pm
posted by: lavendera in pajautaa

Ar ko spēlējas musulmaņu bērni, ja islams aizliedz lelles, lācīšus un pārējo zvērudārzu?

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Comments {13}

from: [info]digna
date: Jan. 10., 2015 - 01:18 pm

Ar šahu, protams! :D
Bet, ja nopietni - izskatās, ka ir arī lelles

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from: [info]digna
date: Jan. 10., 2015 - 01:19 pm

With regard to dolls that children play with:

An exception is made in the case of children’s toys, which are not regarded as haraam or makrooh. But what are the toys which are exempted? We know that the toys of the past did not have eyes and lips and noses as they do nowadays. I think it is better to avoid these toys and limit oneself to those the kind of toys that were known previously.

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