jautājums angļu valodas spečiem - pls?
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Sep. 22., 2014 | 11:48 am
posted by: comtesse in pajautaa
pildīju angļu valodas uzdevumus un pieķēru sevi pie apziņas, ka nezinu vairs īsti, kā ir pareizi:
- Will she travel to India next summer? vai Is she traveling to India next summer? (sliecos us otro vairāk)
- She is not listening to music at the moment. vai She does not listen to music at the moment. (sliecos uz pirmo vairāk)
- How often do you go to the theatre? vai How often are you going to theatre? (sliecos uz pirmo)
- He has an exam tomorrow, so he is studying now. vai tomēr He has an exam tomorrow, so he sudies now. (šim tā kā liela pārliecība par pirmo; tikai šaubos mazliet)
- I will start cooking classes next week. vai I will be starting cooking classes next week (man gribās otro, bet varbūt tomēr pirmais?)
- Will she travel to India next summer? vai Is she traveling to India next summer? (sliecos us otro vairāk)
- She is not listening to music at the moment. vai She does not listen to music at the moment. (sliecos uz pirmo vairāk)
- How often do you go to the theatre? vai How often are you going to theatre? (sliecos uz pirmo)
- He has an exam tomorrow, so he is studying now. vai tomēr He has an exam tomorrow, so he sudies now. (šim tā kā liela pārliecība par pirmo; tikai šaubos mazliet)
- I will start cooking classes next week. vai I will be starting cooking classes next week (man gribās otro, bet varbūt tomēr pirmais?)
date: Sep. 22., 2014 - 02:11 pm
bet nu - textbooki ir textbooki. ej nu sazini, ko īsti tie grib pajautāt :)
(nu tipa - teikums ar strīpiņu vārda vietā un iekavās pēc svītriņas iedots darbības vārds nenoteiksmē - ej nu ieliec pareizā formā...) uzdevums noformulēts - complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.... = konteksta nekāda. uzdevums = no end of course test... = ta kā nav arī nodaļas konteksta un var būt jebkura forma...
izskatās, ka no tā ne-konteksta vismaz šai gadījumā labāk izvēlēties vienkāršu ziņkārību ;)
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date: Sep. 22., 2014 - 02:20 pm
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