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Nov. 1., 2013 | 02:49 pm
posted by: _kinky_ in pajautaa
Vai kādam no Jums (ofisā vai privāti),ir bijusi saskarsme ar kafijas kapsulu dīleriem Zinzino? Priekšnieks šodien priecīgā galopā skraidīdams pa ofisu paziņoja, ka nu tik būs garšīgākā kafija un pie tam vēl par brīvu(mhm, kātad).
Pētīju internetus, man izskatās pēc vienkāršas piramīdas shēmas. Padalieties ar kādu info!!
Pētīju internetus, man izskatās pēc vienkāršas piramīdas shēmas. Padalieties ar kādu info!!
date: Nov. 1., 2013 - 03:41 pm
"To maintain status as a distributor of Zinzino, you must consume at least about 70 € worth of products EVERY MONTH. The reason, according to Zinzino is that you must consume the products to show that you really like Zinzino products to potential consumers. If you get customers and partners to consume Zinzino products 4 times your turnover, you will get your expensive coffee for free. That means you got to sell overpriced Zinzino coffee machines to maybe 10 people, since subscription is 30 € a month for 60 pods. You then have sold about ten 300 € machines to ten people. 3000 € worth of macines, that should cost about 100 € each."
date: Nov. 1., 2013 - 07:03 pm
date: Nov. 2., 2013 - 12:06 am