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Sep. 1., 2012 | 11:55 am
posted by: daarta in pajautaa
Vai kādam mājās ir Fuko "Uzraudzīt un sodīt" latviskais tulkojums? Man lieti noderētu viens mazs citāts no ~29.-32.lpp.:
"It would be wrong to say that the soul is an illusion, or an ideological effect. On the contrary, it exists, it has a reality, it is produced permanently around, on, within, the body by the functioning of a power that is exercised on those that are punished"
Upd. 1 lpp. vēlāk ir arī frāze "thesoul is the prison of the body" - vajadzētu precīzu citātu arī tai.
"It would be wrong to say that the soul is an illusion, or an ideological effect. On the contrary, it exists, it has a reality, it is produced permanently around, on, within, the body by the functioning of a power that is exercised on those that are punished"
Upd. 1 lpp. vēlāk ir arī frāze "thesoul is the prison of the body" - vajadzētu precīzu citātu arī tai.
date: Sep. 1., 2012 - 04:15 pm
"Dvēsele ir politiskās anatomijas rezultāts un instruments, tā ir ķermeņa cietums." (32. lpp.)
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date: Sep. 1., 2012 - 07:42 pm
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