Karalis Līrs latviešu valodā
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Jun. 15., 2012 | 01:22 pm
posted by: aleja in pajautaa
Vai kādam nav pie rokas Šekspīra "Karalis Līrs" latviešu valodā? Man jāzina, kā atdzejota rindiņa "O, that way madness lies"
trešais cēlies, ceturtā aina; Līrs saka:
No, I will weep no more. In such a night
To shut me out? Pour on; I will endure.
In such a night as this? O Regan, Goneril!
Your old kind father, whose frank heart gave all—
O, that way madness lies; let me shun that;
No more of that.
Upd. vairs nevajag.
trešais cēlies, ceturtā aina; Līrs saka:
No, I will weep no more. In such a night
To shut me out? Pour on; I will endure.
In such a night as this? O Regan, Goneril!
Your old kind father, whose frank heart gave all—
O, that way madness lies; let me shun that;
No more of that.
Upd. vairs nevajag.
date: Jun. 16., 2012 - 11:05 pm
Jums visu deva! - Nē, tur ārprāts glūn; to ne, lai paliek..