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Mar. 3., 2011 | 02:18 pm
posted by: la_cumparsita in pajautaa
PayPal kontā ir ieskaitīta nauda un prasa apstiprināt karti.
E-pastā tika atsūtīts šāds teksts -
"You linked your debit or credit card to your PayPal account on Mar 3, 2011. To make sure the card is yours, we made a small charge to it that you'll need to confirm (and we'll refund the money to your PayPal account when you're done).
The charge creates a unique 4-digit code on the summary of financial activity provided by your card issuer. If you don't see the charge right away, don't worry - sometimes it takes a few days to show up. If you can't check your summary online, check the paper summary from your card issuer when it comes in the mail (this can take up to 30 days). You will find the charge from PayPal with a 4-digit code."
Man PayPals atskaites nekad nav sūtījis un arī PayPala lapā neko tuvāk neatradu.
Kur vēl meklēt to kodu?
E-pastā tika atsūtīts šāds teksts -
"You linked your debit or credit card to your PayPal account on Mar 3, 2011. To make sure the card is yours, we made a small charge to it that you'll need to confirm (and we'll refund the money to your PayPal account when you're done).
The charge creates a unique 4-digit code on the summary of financial activity provided by your card issuer. If you don't see the charge right away, don't worry - sometimes it takes a few days to show up. If you can't check your summary online, check the paper summary from your card issuer when it comes in the mail (this can take up to 30 days). You will find the charge from PayPal with a 4-digit code."
Man PayPals atskaites nekad nav sūtījis un arī PayPala lapā neko tuvāk neatradu.
Kur vēl meklēt to kodu?
date: Mar. 3., 2011 - 04:32 pm
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