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Jan. 19., 2011 | 02:10 am
posted by: maardza in pajautaa

Sveicināti! Vēlējos uzzināt Jūsu attieksmi un, varbūt, arī pieredzi ar šāda veida darbiem: http://www.scotts-money-blog.com/work-at-home/

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Comments {14}

from: [info]anonims
date: Jan. 19., 2011 - 11:46 am

apskatīsimies faktus.
vai tev tas viss kopumā, lapas teksts, audio un tas, ka tev jāiegādājās starta komplekts nešķiet kaut nedaudz aizdomīgs. cilvēks principā ļoti uzstājīgi cenšās tev ielikt miljonu kabatā. verot lapu ciet, uzlec piedāvājums ar atlaidi. varot to lapu ciet parādās jauna atlaide, kura darbojās vien 5 minūtes. vai tev tas izklausās pēc nopietna darba piedāvājuma, godīga veida kā nopelnīt, vai arī tomēr tam ir izmisīga "biznesmeņa" vervētāja piegarša?

par piramīdu tipa biznesiem (Multi-Level Marketing - MLM):

"If you've heard of network marketing (like Amway), then you know that there are legitimate MLM businesses based on agents selling products or services.

One big problem with MLMs, though, is when the pyramid and the ladder-climbing become more important than selling the actual product or service.

If the MLM business opportunity is all about finding new recruits rather than selling products or services, beware: The Federal Trade Commission may consider it to be a pyramid scheme... and not only can you lose all your money, but you can be charged with fraud, too!

We saw an interesting MLM scam recently: one MLM company advertised the product they were selling as FREE. The fine print, however, states that it is "free in the sense that you could be earning commissions and bonuses in excess of the cost of your monthly purchase of" the product. Does that sound like free to you? "

šķiet par konkrēto gadījumu:

"Firstly a good BBB rating means absolutely nothing, especially when the company does honor their terms and conditions. I view this site as a scam for a few simple reasons...

1) The actual cost if you keep the kit is $39.95 + 9.95 S&H for a CD of testimonials that still gives the potential worker at home no information about the product or services, is outrageously overpriced. Shipping for a single CD should cost maybe a dollar or two. Perhaps we are paying for their pain and suffering when they get a papercut putting the CD into an envelope. And almost $40 for a DVD, c'mon we can get new release big budget movies for half that.

2) Misrepresentation. No one affiliated with Income at Home.com will mention what the product is until you first sepnd money.

3) The best and fastest way to make money with herbalife is to recruit others to sell. A very legal twist on the pyramid schemes of the past. And you would need to work the system more than you would work a regular job.

So next time you see a car on the road with a herbalife sticker, steer clear and feel sorry for those poor souls."

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