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Mar. 24., 2010 | 04:23 pm
posted by: gorgona in pajautaa

varbūt kādam mājās dzīvo drozofilas? dikti vajag.

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Comments {20}

from: [info]aluka
date: Mar. 24., 2010 - 10:06 pm

: DD
Up until about the 18th century, people believed in a phenomenon called spontaneous generation. The idea of spontaneous generation was that all kinds of creatures, including mice and various insects such as fruit flies, were spontaneously spawned from inorganic matter. Dirty underwear, rotting meat, and other foul materials where thought to mysteriously produce these animals.

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Šugā faiv

from: [info]morraa
date: Mar. 25., 2010 - 07:41 am

Sakaraa ar to man ljoti patiik "veejsh" kjiinieshu heroglifa etimologija. Vinsh aciimredzami izskataas peec taadas kaa maajas kuraa iekshaa ir heroglifs kursh apziimee kukaini. Izraadaas, senos laikos cilveeki uzskatiija, ka kukainji rodas no veeja. Uzpuush veejsh un rodas kukainji. Taapeec arii heroglifs tieshi to arii apziimee.

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