krāpšana auto tirdzniecībā?
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Mar. 11., 2010 | 07:58 am
posted by: chirkainais in pajautaa
Ir viens čalis (iespējams) Anglijā, kurš man ir gatavs pārdot savu neticami jauno mašīnu par neticami zemu cenu. Auto labs (pēc bildēm un aprakstiem), cena arī - ļoti vilinoša. Tikai darījuma veids mani dara bažīgu. Auto patlaban esot Anglijā un to iespējams piegādāt ar auto pārvadājumu kompānijas starpniecību. 24h laikā iespējams to apskatīt un izmēģināt, ja nepatīk, var dot atpakaļ. Vajag tikai piegādes adresi un nodrošināt, ka man ir tā nauda, ko samaksāt tikai PĒC piegādes. Rau, ko jams raksta:
"We will use a specialized car shipping company that will provide you a tracking number( to verify the shipment status online) and also a 24hrs inspection period and the right to decline the car if it doesn`t 100% satisfy your needs. The delivery will take max 5 days.
The company works like a Cash On Delivery (COD) company,they will only require a proof from you that you have the cash available and you have a valid address before they will start the delivery. The car will be delivered at your home address by truck,it will come with all documents signed by me so you can easily transfer it on to your name.
All service records, log book will be present and carefully verified.
If you agree with these terms and you are sure about the purchase please let me know your full name and address for the delivery and I will inform you with all the details as soon as I have arranged the shipment."
Izklausās jau kā desmaize uz zelta paplātes, bet neatstāj tomēr tās šaubas, ka tur ir kāds āķis. Tāpēc jautājums - KUR? Iespējams, kaut kāds jauns krāpšanas veids?
Ir viens čalis (iespējams) Anglijā, kurš man ir gatavs pārdot savu neticami jauno mašīnu par neticami zemu cenu. Auto labs (pēc bildēm un aprakstiem), cena arī - ļoti vilinoša. Tikai darījuma veids mani dara bažīgu. Auto patlaban esot Anglijā un to iespējams piegādāt ar auto pārvadājumu kompānijas starpniecību. 24h laikā iespējams to apskatīt un izmēģināt, ja nepatīk, var dot atpakaļ. Vajag tikai piegādes adresi un nodrošināt, ka man ir tā nauda, ko samaksāt tikai PĒC piegādes. Rau, ko jams raksta:
"We will use a specialized car shipping company that will provide you a tracking number( to verify the shipment status online) and also a 24hrs inspection period and the right to decline the car if it doesn`t 100% satisfy your needs. The delivery will take max 5 days.
The company works like a Cash On Delivery (COD) company,they will only require a proof from you that you have the cash available and you have a valid address before they will start the delivery. The car will be delivered at your home address by truck,it will come with all documents signed by me so you can easily transfer it on to your name.
All service records, log book will be present and carefully verified.
If you agree with these terms and you are sure about the purchase please let me know your full name and address for the delivery and I will inform you with all the details as soon as I have arranged the shipment."
Izklausās jau kā desmaize uz zelta paplātes, bet neatstāj tomēr tās šaubas, ka tur ir kāds āķis. Tāpēc jautājums - KUR? Iespējams, kaut kāds jauns krāpšanas veids?
date: Mar. 11., 2010 - 09:20 pm
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