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Dec. 14., 2009 | 10:10 pm
posted by: petrovichs in pajautaa

Vai indiešu pornofilmās arī ir dziesmas un dejas? :)

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Comments {14}

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 14., 2009 - 10:56 pm

Pornography in India is illegal and attracts several penal provisions. However, enforcement is extremely lax and pornographic materials are easily available. The law also states that only the distribution of pornography is illegal, while its creation and accessing is not. Pornographic films in India are referred to as Blue Films and are available virtually anywhere; especially in areas where pirated material is already being sold.

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from: [info]tjigra
date: Dec. 14., 2009 - 11:14 pm

Moš ar aizliegtas filmas, bet tad nafig viņiem ir smuks templis? Ar visu iespējamo un neiespējamo pozu vizualizāciju?

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