
Jautaajums viina pazineejiem

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Okt. 7., 2005 | 10:04 am
posted by: macabre in pajautaa

Te nesen peec viena koleegja dzimshanas dienas sviniibaam, saaku domaat par viiniem, konkreetaak par to aromaatiem. Vai kaads man vareetu pateikt kaapeec, piemeeram, Riesling (skjiet, gan paarsvaraa vaacu, jo seviskji dzirkstoshajos) ir saljarkas smaka, savukaart Sauvignon Blancs ozh peec kakja uriina? Vai tas noziimee, ka viinaa ir kaadas vielas, ka saturaas saljarkaa vai sho aromaatu rada kaadi citi procesi/vielas?

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Comments {12}

Saprāta balss

from: [info]macabre
date: Okt. 7., 2005 - 10:37 am

nu shajaa gadiijumaa tas laikam nav nemaz tik subjektiivi - cik tagad paguugloju, viinu expertiem pat ir termini cat pee un petrol (heh, pat atminjaa pareizi atsaucu skjirnes, kuraam taas iipashaas aromas), taa kaa ne man vienam viins peec kakju churaam smarzho :)

Cat pee: A green, herbaceous aroma in white wine that many find intriguing. Like gooseberry, it's characteristic of Sauvignon Blancs from New Zealand, and for aficionados of the category, a wine missing its pipi du chat would be a disappointment. Cat pee is not to be confused with "cat box" -- there is no debate on how awful that would be.

Diesel/petrol: Acceptable, and expected, in the great Rieslings of Germany. Combined with the effusive aromas and flavors of apricot and citrus, plus minerality and high natural acidity, this petroleum character makes some tasters swoon. It would be completely unexpected in any other wine.

njemts no shejienes - taa gan joprojaam nav manis mekleetaa atbilde :(

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