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Okt. 6., 2005 | 01:38 pm
posted by: mazamija in pajautaa

Kada atskiriba ir starp "national language" un "official language", man vajag zinaat oficiaalaas valodas Luksemburgaa, bet kaut kaa pinkjeriigi - vietaam nets saka, ka luksemburgas val.,citur,ka arii vaacu,franchu.Niko nesaprotu

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Comments {9}

Dying Bride

from: [info]heartstripper
date: Okt. 6., 2005 - 01:48 pm

Lëtzebuergesch, the country's national language, is most closely related to the German dialects of the western Rhineland and the Moselle river valley, but the country's historical and cultural links with Belgium, the Netherlands, and France are much closer than with Germany.
