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Okt. 1., 2009 | 04:50 pm
posted by: di_wine in pajautaa

Mēģināšu izskadrot situāciju sakarīgi :)
Tātad - ir biļete uz lidojumu no punkta A uz punktu B ar konkrētu aviokompāniju, tb Ryanair. Vai ir iespēja šo biļeti mainīt, kaut kādā nezin kādā veidā, lai nokļūtu tajā pašā punktā B, bet no cita punkta, teiksim, C ? Tajā pašā dienā.

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Comments {17}


from: [info]murks
date: Okt. 1., 2009 - 11:03 pm

gūglis saka tā:
Ryanair will also refund taxes despite the Irish budget airline’s famous no-refunds policy. Although conventional wisdom holds that Ryanair’s administrative fee will always exceed the actual tax, Ryanair does refund taxes higher than its standard GBP15 (USD30) administrative fee. The request for a refund must be made in writing and only through Ryanair’s head office in Dublin, Ireland. (Apparently, many passengers wrongly try to claim taxes back from Ryanair through London Stansted or other regional offices and airports.)

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