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Sep. 11., 2009 | 03:17 pm
posted by: zazazelle in pajautaa

pastaastiet, luudzu, ko juus ziniet par luugshanu krelleem, rozhukronjiem, chetkaam?
kaa vinjas atshkjiras piemeeram musulmanjiem un sintoistiem, un kaadas tradiicijas ar taam saistiitas?

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Comments {9}

Maneki Neko

from: [info]amazeme
date: Sep. 11., 2009 - 06:41 pm

ak jā, vēl to sauc par sirds lūgšanu
meklējot attēlus uzgāju šo, varbūt noder:
'PRAYERS OF THE HEART': This prayer has its origins in the New Testament and is very familiar to the ears and eyes of those who love scripture. See the prayer petitions of the tax collector's prayer (Luke 18:13) 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner' and (Mark10:47), Baritmaeus, who totally trusted Jesus cried out, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me'. Variations of these prayers have a recorded history of use since the 6th century.
Chotki is the Russian name of what in Greek is called "Komvoskoini" which literally means "knot string" or "string of knots". It originated when a monk tied knots in a string to help him keep track of the number of prayers he had said in his prayer rule. Each time he slept though, a demon came and unravelled the knots, requiring him to re-tie them each day. Finally an angel appeared to him and showed him how to tie particular knots which included the form of a cross, which the demon was unable to unravel.

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from: [info]zazazelle
date: Sep. 15., 2009 - 05:20 pm

liels liels paldies!
man radaas jautaajums skatoties japaanju filmu, kur, apglabaajot cilveeku, visi uzreiz velk no kabatas aaraa taas krelliites, un mirushajam arii saliek abas plaukstas kopaa apliekot apkaart taas krelliites.
mani draugi kurdi arii nekur neiet bez taam krelliiteem, sausmiigi paardziivo, ka sapliist, bet tad daavina viens otram savas. man arii uzdaavinaaja.
saaku domaat arii par to, kaada noziime ir tai pashai sajuutai - ka pirksti virpina taas peerliites...
nu taadas paardomas

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