Matrica + Slotoņa

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Jun. 29., 2009 | 10:03 pm
posted by: merkakkis in pajautaa

Vai digitālās spoguļkameras matricu var slaucīt ar to speciālo, maigo slotiņu priekš fotoaparātiem?
Jeb labāk pašam nebāzties iekšā..

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Comments {6}


from: [info]begemots
date: Jun. 30., 2009 - 08:36 am

principā webā raksta, ka var.
bet ir arī citi veidi, kā tīrīt.

Contrary to the urban myths that propagate like viruses on computer discussion boards, no digital camera with interchangeable lenses has a exposed imaging sensor. All either have a glass anti-aliasing filter or an optical glass cover. With the right tools cleaning this piece of glass is no more dangerous than cleaning your lens' front element. But, the sensor is awkwardly located, and if you use the wrong tools you can scratch the surface of this filter or glass plate, which can lead to a costly repair. If you're fumble fingered you can also scratch the mirror or ground glass.

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Ne visi sensoru tīrāmie ir nekaitīgi

from: [info]petrovichs
date: Jun. 30., 2009 - 08:45 am

Tas gan par Nikon, bet citiem jau nav nekas būtiski atšķirīgs.

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