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Jun. 1., 2009 | 06:10 pm
posted by: dzeina in pajautaa

Vai Polijā 23.jūnijā kaut kā svin vasaras saulgriežus/sv.Jāņa dienu/ whatever?
Ja jā - kādas ir redzamākās izpausmes?

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Comments {3}

Accusativus cum infinitivo

from: [info]reportiere
date: Jun. 1., 2009 - 06:29 pm


Especially in northern Poland–the Eastern Pomeranian and Kashubian regions, midsummer is celebrated on June 23rd. People dress in traditional Polka dress, and girls throw wreaths made of flowers into the Baltic Sea, and into lakes or rivers. The midsummer day celebration starts at about 8:00 p.m. and lasts all night until sunrise. People celebrate this special day every year and call it Noc Świętojańska which means St. John's Night. On that day in big Polish cities (like Warsaw and Kraków) there are many organized events, the most popular event being the Wianki, which means wreaths.
