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Apr. 12., 2009 | 08:30 pm
posted by: chelsea in pajautaa

Kādam ir bijusi darīšana ar PayPal?
Nevaru piereģistrēt karti, man saka šitā - This credit card has been denied by the bank that issued your credit card. For details on why your card was denied, please contact your credit card issuer's customer service department. Or, you may want to try adding a different credit card.
kāpēc tā? Ko man tagad darīt?

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Comments {12}


from: [info]shelly
date: Apr. 12., 2009 - 08:33 pm

Paklausīt paypal'am, tiešām sazināties ar savu banku/Firstdata, un noskaidrot, kādas ir iespējas maksāt netā ar konkrēto karti.
