
ljoti ljoti nepiecieshama juusu paliidziiba

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Sep. 14., 2005 | 11:50 am
posted by: guna in pajautaa

Izpaliidiet luudzu. Man ir nepiecieshama informaacija par sekojosho:

Market Research of the society:
- usage of the internet
- seed of the connection / tehnical equipment

- earnings
- gross national product

- how many people travel
- which are their favourite destinations
- how many were on holiday in Austria?
- in which topic are their interestes (ski, wellness, hiking, etc.)

Visa shii informaacija ir nepiecieshama gan par Latviju, gan Lietuvu, gan Igauniju.

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Comments {14}


from: [info]daysleeper
date: Sep. 14., 2005 - 01:46 pm

nja, nu ja no tirgus un lauka pētījumiem neko nesaprot, nu tad arī jautājumu izproti pa savam. neko darīt.

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